Station Hardware status -- rs406 -- [last update: 2024-10-22 06:00:58]

Superterp: cs002 cs003 cs004 cs005 cs006 cs007
Core: cs001 cs011 cs013 cs017 cs021 cs024 cs026 cs028 cs030 cs031 cs032 cs101 cs103 cs201 cs301 cs302 cs401 cs501
Remote: rs106 rs205 rs208 rs210 rs305 rs306 rs307 rs310 rs406 rs407 rs409 rs503 rs508 rs509
International: de601 de602 de603 de604 de605 de609 fr606 se607 uk608 pl610 pl611 pl612 ie613 lv614

The figure below displays the station layout and shows tiles/antennas in red that are currently turned off in the system. The decission to turn hardware off is based on experience, and involves amongst others the stationtest results, live monitoring and visual inspection. Therefor, the latest stationtest result printed at the bottom of the page does not always reflect the same situation.

Latest Station Test result -- rs406 --

Test (check) options Explanation
-S(rcumode) signal check for rcumode (1|3|5)
-O(rcumode) oscillation check for rcumode (1|3|5)
-SP(rcumode) spurious check for rcumode (1|3|5)
-N(rcumode)[=120] noise check for rcumode (1|3|5), optional data time in seconds default data time = 300 sec for hba and 180 sec for lba
-EHBA[=120] do all HBA element tests, optional data time in seconds default data time = 10 sec
-ES7 do element signal check in rcumode 7, and skip rcumode 5 test
-M HBA modem check, automatic selected if other hba check are selected
-SN HBA summator noise check
-LBL do all LBL tests
-LBH do all LBH tests
-HBA do all HBA tests
-S7 do S7 test instead of S5, must be places before -hba
-RV RSP version check
-TV TBB version check
-TM TBB memmory check