Welcome on the LOFAR proxy server.

This LOFAR proxy server has restricted access and offers the following services:

Zabbix server with network monitoring Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution for networks and applications.
RedMine Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework.
Elog ELOG is part of a family of applications known as weblogs.
CEP3 lof0xx disk usage This page displays the disk usage of all 20 CEP3 nodes in %

Additional links

  • LOFAR Wiki
  • LOFAR Jenkins Jenkins is an application that monitors executions of repeated jobs, such as building a software project or jobs run by cron
  • LOFAR Status Map Google Map based station overview
  • LOFAR array status Graphical view of the status of LOFAR stations in terms of percentage "broken" hardware (HBA tiles/LBA antennas)
  • LOFAR beam measurements Collection of LOFAR measurements of the beam profiles per station for various observing modes
  • LOFAR elements monitoring History, statistics and trends of LOFAR station components based on regular station tests (in development)
  • LOFAR station status Graphical view of the status of individual LOFAR stations and the latest stationtest log
  • LOFAR-Station Norderstedt Ein Beitrag der Universitaten Hamburg und Bielefeld zum internationalen LOFAR-Radioteleskop
  • LOFAR Frequency Calculator Calculate subband nrs and frequencies and check the RFI situation
  • Inspect pages LOFAR inspection plots
  • CEP4 Ganglia CEP4 Ganglia display
  • LOFAR Station Monitor LOFAR Station Monitor