Welcome on the LOFAR proxy server.
This LOFAR proxy server has restricted access and offers the following services:
Zabbix server with network monitoring
Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution for networks and applications.
Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework.
ELOG is part of a family of applications known as weblogs.
CEP3 lof0xx disk usage
This page displays the disk usage of all 20 CEP3 nodes in %
Additional links
LOFAR Jenkins
Jenkins is an application that monitors executions of repeated jobs, such as building a software project or jobs run by cron
LOFAR Status Map Google Map based station overview
LOFAR array status Graphical view of the status of LOFAR stations in terms of percentage "broken" hardware (HBA tiles/LBA antennas)
LOFAR beam measurements
Collection of LOFAR measurements of the beam profiles per station for various observing modes
LOFAR elements monitoring History, statistics and trends of LOFAR station components based on regular station tests (in development)
LOFAR station status Graphical view of the status of individual LOFAR stations and the latest stationtest log
LOFAR-Station Norderstedt Ein Beitrag der Universitaten Hamburg und Bielefeld zum internationalen LOFAR-Radioteleskop
LOFAR Frequency Calculator Calculate subband nrs and frequencies and check the RFI situation
Inspect pages LOFAR inspection plots
CEP4 Ganglia CEP4 Ganglia display
LOFAR Station Monitor LOFAR Station Monitor